Scott & Sally Shomo Legacy Fund

Scott and Sally Shomo are life-long residents of Augusta County and both grew up on farms. Scott grew up near Staunton on his family’s dairy, beef and sheep farm.Sally grew up near Bridgewater on her family’s dairy and poultry farm. Both were involved in FFA during their high school years and are life members of the FFA Alumni and have received their Honorary American FFA Degrees. Sally continued her love of agriculture and the FFA from 1982-2013 by teaching  Agriculture Education/FFA at Stuarts Draft,  Wilson Memorial and Beverley Manor Middle Schools. Scott worked in the insurance industry, but returned to his love of farming in 2012, with Shomo AG LLC, a farm specializing in raising beef cattle and growing corn, small grains and hay near Staunton.

The love of agriculture and the FFA allowed Scott and Sally Shomo to start a Legacy Fund to share with others the importance of agricultural education and the FFA, the future for the FFA organization and its members.

The Shomo Legacy Fund helps purchase FFA jackets and official dress for State FFA Officers each year.

Your gifts are tax-deductible and can be made through this form or by mailing a check to:

Virginia FFA Foundation

Scott & Sally Shomo Legacy Fund

PO Box 40

Weyers Cave, VA 22846

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